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What Is Zeigler?  

Exotic Birds

Monster Diets 


"Building Value to Life through Innovative Nutrition"

by Dr. Tom Zeigler

Tom Zeigler PictureWe strive to build our business around a strategy of innovative nutrition. Foods that provide for proper nutrition help to bring value to life for both man and animals.

Through our involvement in the biomedical community, we work to develop diets aimed at assisting in the resolution of human illness and disease. Our pet and zoo line of products, including Monster Diets™, are directed toward improving nutrition for some of the world's most precious wildlife, and the diets we develop for use in aquaculture help to provide an assortment of healthy, nutritious seafood for human consumption.

Our Team is committed to serving your nutritional needs. Quality is of utmost importance to us, whether it be through the value of a product or the integrity of a relationship. We understand that our success depends, not only on the performance of our products, but more importantly, on the strength of relationships established with our customers and suppliers. We look forward to being a part of your success and welcome all opportunities to improve.

Tom Zeigler SignatureISO Certification




Zeigler Pet Foods

What Is Zeigler?

Monster Diets